MP3 Remix

Find or Sell MP3 Remixes

AMP Productions New Sister Site Global AMP is almost here! We're very excited to give a little information about something we've been working on.

So what is Global AMP? The short summary is that Global AMP will help artists sell their music, network with labels, and connect with fans. Furthermore, listeners have an opportunity to find fresh new music daily.

There will be several features just for artists to build a true music network with many options that other networking sites just don't offer.

Unfortunately, that's all the info we're ready to give up at this time though... sorry!

If you're interested in being a beta tester, investor, or just want to be the first to get in on the excitement, send an email to [email protected] This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it with a short note about why you would be a good fit.